Monday 26 August 2013

#True Or False# Mike Tyson Depends On Drugs & Alcohol For Everything.

I’m sober, I’m not sober! I’m doing drugs, I am not on drugs! What is wrong with former boxing champion Mike Tyson? Which one is the truth?

Mike Tyson has been lying to everyone about his state of sobriety for the last four years. He once convince many that he had stopped using drugs and wasn’t an alcoholic. Now the Champion is sadly confessing that he is at the verge of dying from the use of drugs and alcohol.

“I’m on the verge of dying because I’m a vicious alcoholic. I’ve been … Wow. I’ve been … Well, this is some interesting stuff. I’ve been … I haven’t drank or took drugs in six days. For me, that’s a miracle. I was lying to everybody else who thinks I’m sober, but I’m not. This is my sixth day. I’m never going to use again.”

How sure are we that Tyson isn’t lying again? Statistics have proven that over 80% of victims often deny they are using or try to convince themselves and others that they’ve stopped while they are still slaves to the booze.

Tyson, in a husky voice almost un-hearable, admitted he has not tasted alcohol or used drugs for just 6 days and not four years like everyone was made to believe. The boxer, who appeared on Fox Sports 1 to talk about his upcoming six-part series on his life as he staged his first ever boxing card as a promoter, admitted to being ‘the bad guy’ who needs forgiveness;

“I’m a bad guy sometimes. I did a lot of bad things and I wanted to be forgiven. In order for me to be forgiven, and I hope they forgive me, I had to change my life. I want to live a different life now. I want to live my sober life. I don’t want to die.”

This is sad and we are tempted to feel bad for him but is this for real or is this some way for us to watch his new series?

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