Sunday 14 July 2013

10 Interpretations Of A Woman’s Silent Treatment

There is only one thing worse than a woman who talks too much – and that is when a woman will not talk with you at all. Silent treatment is one of the weapons in a woman’s arsenal, next to crying and nagging. If you had difficulties deciphering the meaning, we help you out with 10 interpretations her silent treatment can mean.

1. “I made a huge mistake.”
Stasis in a relationship prevails after the initial flutters have died – and if things are not going well later, sooner or later she will have an epiphany that the relationship is one big mistake. She will look at you and not say a word – because she still has to work out the finer details. Crying and yelling is one thing in a fight, but if she gives you the silent treatment accompanied by a poker face and a long stare – you might have rocked the boat a little too much

2. “I am too depressed to talk about it.”
Given the same scenario, a more resilient partner will not look at you at all and shake her head silently – she might just have had enough bitterness at the moment. Rather than continue the fight, you might want to tone it down a bit and get to the root of it stat! Communication is always important, but never more than situations such as these command.

3. “You really need to do something about your beard.”
Randomness strikes anytime and anyplace. Count on her for it – it does not even take a fight for this one. She might be screwing her eyes at you with a bemused expression – and it might not always be about the relationship really. She is probably thinking of the best way to tell you that your hair is getting messier or your beard scruffier. Yes, it is okay to be self-conscious then.

4. “Should I tell you about that?”
So you are telling her about the latest Johnny Depp movie plot on a lazy Sunday brunch, and she is looking at you with glazed eyes. Inside, she is wondering if she can tell you that her high school boyfriend called her yesterday. Of course, it is completely casual and nothing is wrong – but can she trust you to not explode or something? That’s what is going on – nothing fishy.

5. “Can you genuinely not see I am mad?
Women are not all that complex that men make them out to be – if you were aware of what she is feeling or going through, and tread carefully on sensitive occasions/days/topics. If you unknowingly made her angry by commenting on any of that, she will probably look at you with a bemused expression (raised eyebrows and flared nostrils optional). Better backtrack on your words right there!

6. “If I don’t control my anger, I am going to say something really stupid.”
Occasionally with the short-tempered women, silence is more of a damage control option than an outright declaration of war. As in situation #5, she might have a ready retort to throw at you, but will probably hold her tongue to not let things go from bad to worse. A challenging look, a self-nod or headshake and glaring eyes – in case you want to read the signs

7. “I want to complain about something, but I don’t want to hurt your feelings or nag you.”
You can be in the middle of a nice dinner after the end of a hectic day – and this is probably the fifth time she asked you to renew your passport or something, and the fifth time you have not done so. So she will give you pity eyes and pursed lips and a dollop of the silent treatment. The pity is more self-directed actually – and you had better get the job done before her cup of patience runneth over.

8. “I cannot wait to prove you wrong.”
Two lines of advice: never underestimate the determined woman, and never say never – to her! Saying something like “You can never cook a poached fish as well as so-and-so” is just inviting two occasions of trouble. One is, of course, immediately – and the other when she actually whips up a delectable poached fish and makes you rue the day you ever challenged her. 

9. “You are going to pay for that as soon as we reach home.”
Some women do not like washing dirty linen in public. If you thought you could get away with being offhanded among friends – she is just going to bide her time with tight smiles till you reach home. Seriously guys, if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime!

10. “You are going to get lucky as soon as we reach home.”
Contrary to belief, not all silent treatment is bad, you know. For instance, if you two are actually having a great time on an evening out with friends – she might dart you ‘come hither’ looks or do some footsie without being very vocal. You know you did something right to be ending the night with a bang.  Sensitivity in a man is a charm – and they are romantically well-off. However, not everyone is born with it. You’re lucky you have these cheat codes – use them well.

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