Saturday 13 July 2013

11 Simple Ways To Help A Drug Addict

If you suspect that a friend or family member has a drug problem – the following can be done to help them.

1. Speak up. Talk to the person about your concerns, and offer your help and support, without being judgmental. The earlier addiction is treated, the better. Be prepared for excuses and denial by listing specific examples of your loved one’s behavior that worries you .

2. Take care of yourself. Don’t get so caught up in someone else’s drug problem that you neglect your own needs. Make sure you have people you can talk to and lean on for support. Don’t put yourself in dangerous situations.

3. Avoid self-blame. You can support a person with a substance abuse problem and encourage treatment, but you can’t force an addict to change. You can’t control your loved one’s decisions.

4. Don’t attempt to punish, threaten, bribe, or preach

5. Don’t try to be a martyr. Avoid emotional appeals that may only increase feelings of guilt and the compulsion to use drugs.

6. Don’t cover up or make excuses for the drug abuser, or shield them from the consequences of their behaviour.

7. Don’t take over their responsibilities, leaving them with no sense of importance or dignity

8. Don’t hide or throw out drugs

9. Don’t argue with the person when they are high

10. Don’t take drugs with the drug abuser

11. Don’t feel guilty or responsible for another’s behaviour.

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