Sunday 14 July 2013

Woman Kills Gay Husband For Affair With Servant

With blood-stained hands and clothes, 33-year old housewife Uttam Devi walked to the nearby police station of Gokupuri on Tuesday afternoon, invariably attracting eyeballs from neighbours and strangers alike.

Once there, she confessed to having killed her 43-year old husband Dhanpal Singh by thrashing him to death.

When asked that why she had committed such a heinous crime, Uttam claimed that all her efforts to change the s*xual inclinations of her gay husband had proven futile and she was left with no other choice except killing him.

“He had an affair with a domestic help who used to work at their house. Uttam was upset over the matter and had warned him many teams,” a news report quoted the investigating officer of the case telling.

“On Tuesday, she was infuriated when she caught her husband and the servant in a compromising position.

In a fit of rage, she started banging his head on the wall till he died,” the cop further said.

That homosexuality still remains a taboo among the masses, despite Supreme Court’s ruling decriminalizing it, cannot have been more palpable than in present case.

Cops at Gokulpuri police station have been reportedly told by one of the relatives that Uttam used to mercilessly thrash her husband owing to her skewed ‘s*xual habits’.

“He (Dhanpal) had been brought back from a hospital in Loni on Monday.

He had to be admitted after he was severely beaten by his wife and several of his relatives over the same issue of dating a man,” cops informed.

Uttam, as it is learnt, was Dhanpal’s second wife. He reportedly had two children from his first marriage.

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