Friday 12 July 2013

10 ways to have better séx - Lilian Okeke

When a man goes down on his partner, he should be enthusíastic, tell her how beautiful she is and how great she tastes. Don’t treat it like a chore.

Tell Her She Looks (and Tastes) Great
“It’s been proven that women who feel confident about the appearance of their genítals are more open to different kinds of séxual activity, and are more likely to orgásm because they feel relaxed… When a man goes down on his partner, he should be enthusíastic, tell her how beautiful she is and how great she tastes. Don’t treat it like a chore.”

Use Your Ears
“The only difference between a gígolo and a regular guy is that a gígolo listens to what a woman wants in béd. So, ask. I would also advise that you to ask her while not in the bédroom — raise the discussion while out walking or doing some other casual yet íntimate thing together.”

Touch Hér Evérywhere (with Oíl)
“Sénsual touching reléases a powerful séx hormoné called oxytocín, which increases a woman’s téstosterone levels and ignités her séx drive. The séductive silky feel of oil béing rubbéd on skin is a turn-on for more passionaté séx — for both of you.”

Bring the Kitchen into the Bédroom
“árginine is the basis for Viágra, so men should stick with foods high in it — such as oysters, fish, and other lean proteins. Everything that’s good for you above the waist is good for you below the waist as well: greens and beans; high protein/low-fat foods; and brightly colored fruits and vegetables, high in ántioxidants. The Standard American Diet is … a detriment to performance.”

Take Your Time Undréssing
“There is a degree of manipulation when it comes to the amount of néurotransmitter released… Looking at a nudé picture will triggér a quick and strong release of dopaminé and possibly oxytocín, but it fades quickly… Let her work for it a little; she’ll enjoy the prolongéd néurological orgásm more.”

Take a Showér
“There’s no proven human pheromone to make you irresistible… So, until one is found, wash well — you can have too much of a good thing. (But why not leave a worn T-shirt at her house? It will keep you always in her mind.)”

Create a Mood — Turn the Lights Down
“For women to get ároused, parts of their brains associated with stress and ánxiety need to de-activate, according to neurologicál studies in the Netherlands. If women aren’t relaxed, they’re not going to enjoy séx. So dim the lights and share a fántasy. A Harvard study found that when you hug a woman longer than thirty seconds, it increases her oxytocín levels and anticipation of séx.”

Reversé Cowgirl Position
“Find out what position of intércourse is most stimulating to her — it’s usually woman on top, facing away, also known as the reverse cowgirl. The angle of the pénis through the anterior/front wall of the vágina stimulátes the area of the G-spot.”

Don’t Worry So Much — Intércourse Isn’t Everything
“If you’re thinking, ‘I hope it works! I hope it works!’ it’s not going to work. Take penetrative séx off the table for a month — do everything but that. Avoid making intércourse the be-all/end all. In most cases, once men stop worrying about it, it starts working. You can definitely stress yourself out of a boner.”

Get Her Pregnant (On Purpose)
“If you’re trying to impregnate your wife or girlfriend, stop thrusting immediately after éjaculating. The shape of your pénis… was designed by natural selection to work as a retraction device, removing competing males’ spérm from your female partner’s váginal tract. So if you keep going at it after you’ve achieved orgásm, you’re basically disadvantaging your own reproductive success.”

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