Thursday 27 June 2013

[Advice Needed] He Wants Me To Get Pregnant Before He Marries Me, What Should I Do?

Dear kay,
I am a 35 year old single lady. I am tired of men. They are always dumping me after they get me on bed. When I was 33 years, I met a man who I thought would walk me down the altar. 

I really loved him. We started courting, but I didn’t give in to s*x, because I didn’t want him to dump me as the usual thing that has been happening to me. However, he was cool with it. Suddenly he changed to me, he said that I should get pregnant for him before we get married. 

He asked me to pick a date when we would have s*x, and that if I don’t, he is going to leave me like a joke. I am scared he would leave me after getting down with me, what should I do?
O. J.

Dear O. J.,
I am sorry about your past and present ordeal. Its sad that some guys are just after pulling down ladies panties. I am not an advocate of s*x before marriage, so I think you shouldn’t give in to him. 

How sure are you that he is going to marry you after sleeping with you? Its high time you close your laps and wait for a good man that would marry you for who you are and not because you got pregnant for him. What he is saying means that even if he sleeps with you and you fail to get pregnant, he would still leave you. 

I know you are not getting any younger, but you deserve a good man who would make your marriage a good one. Also, you should pray to God to help you. The funny thing is if you don’t give in, he might still go ahead and marry you. Wish you well.

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