Saturday 29 June 2013

#BBA Updates#Airtel Picnic: Elikem under scrutiny

Yet another beautiful and sunny Saturday afternoon and our Housemates were enjoying their picnic thanks to our sponsor Airtel. And as usual the Housemates were tuned in to Natasha’s Talk Show that looks into the Housemates and their tendencies in the House.

First up on the Ruby House inquisition was Ghanaian stud muffin Elikem who had to answer a lot of questions about his ‘friend’ who was swapped a few days ago, Pokello. Natasha asked him how he felt when he spent last night without a bed partner. He told them that Pokello is a friend he always enjoyed chatting with especially before they slept and that it wasn’t nice sleeping alone but he’ll get over that.

When asked by Sulu what he’d do when Pokello is being pursued by a guy in the Diamond House, he simply said that there is nothing he would do but let her go. His fellow Housemates were not entirely convinced by his response especially because they know how close the two are. Natasha jumped in and said that Elikem was weak and because he knew that he couldn’t win the Pokello battle, he then resolved in letting her go.

Fatima wanted to know whether he’d continue shaving his chest hairs now that Pokello was no longer in the House, to which he responded he would shave or not depending on how he felt at that particular moment. Natasha couldn’t resist but open Elikem’s shirt and touch his chest.

Sulu stepped in with yet another question, asking Elikem whether he was eying anybody in the House now that his ‘friend’ is gone. Elikem responded by saying that no one can ever really know but if he’s eying anybody, he won’t say anything at that moment. Looks like Elikem has moved on from Pokello, the question is who is he moving on to?

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