Wednesday 26 June 2013

US Gays Celebrate ‘Landmark’ Ruling Allowing Them To Marry In San Francisco

Homosexuals across the United States couldn’t hide their joy when the Supreme Court passed two landmark rulings on same-s*x marriage in their favour.

In San Francisco, which has one of the biggest gay communities in the country, more than 400 people had gathered outside City Hall for the early morning rulings broadcast from Washington, DC.

When the first ruling was announced, on the Defense of Marriage Act, the crowds erupted in cheers, stamped their feet and couples threw their arms up in the air together.

“It feels good to see love triumph over ignorance, and that began here in San Francisco,” said city mayor Ed Lee.

There was a more muted response in San Francisco to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Proposition 8, a 2008 ballot initiative that saw the nation’s most populous state ban same-s*x marriage.

The ruling, while it opens the door for gay couples to wed in the western state, it does not put an end to litigation.

Lisa Dazols and Jenni Chang kissed each other when the Prop 8 ruling was handed down. The couple met at an AIDS fundraiser and have been together for five years.

“We’ll get married now. We’re going today. It feels amazing that our government supports us,” said Dazols.

“We’ll pay more taxes, but that’s OK,” added Chang.

The Prop 8 decision means that the legal fight will likely return to the courts in California.

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