Wednesday 26 June 2013

#BBA UPDATE# News: Nasty Surprise!

After bombing during the Task Presentation last week, the Diamonds seem to be putting in the right amount of effort for a possible win this week.

The Diamonds were so serious about the Camping Task this evening that they formed an impenetrable wall around the Book of Tales in a bid to protect it from sticky fingers. In the Ruby House, only four Housemates guarded their treasure when the ghouls and ninjas came in. As soon as the ninjas stealthily slid into the House hoping to go by undetected, it was clear that they had no chance.

The Diamond girls swiftly raised the alarm and everyone quickly ran to the garden where the Book of Tales is displayed. Selly and Maria looked like they needed protection more than the book and were seen clinging to the boys as soon as they saw the ghouls scary faces.

In the Ruby House, Feza was roused from slumber by one of the ninjas. Feza screamed like a mad woman as soon as she laid her eyes on the twisted bloody face. Luckily, her man Oneal was there to protect her. Must be nice!

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