Wednesday 26 June 2013

Ridiculously much:Senators' Salaries And Allowances In Nigeria

 Seriously this is kinda ridiculous the way these guys are paid for doing nothing at all. If you are not aware of the payroll of these senators.

Check the amount in detail how truly enticing it really looks........

Basic Salary (BS) = N2,484,245.50

Hardship Allowance: 50% of Basic Salary = N1,242,122.75. Constituency allowance: 200% of BS = N4,968,509.00.

Furniture Allowance: 300% of BS = N7,452,736.50.

Newspaper allowance: 50% = N1,242,122.70.

Wardrobe allowance: 25% = N621,061.37.

Recess Allowance: 10% = N248,424.55.

Accommodation: 200% = N4,968,509.00.

Utilities: 30% = N828,081.83.

Domestic Staff: 35% = N863,184.12.

Entertainment: 30% = N828,081.83.

Personal Assistance: 25% = N621,061.37.

Vehicle Maintenance Allowance: 75% = N1,863,184.12.

Leave Allowance : 10% = N248,424.55

One off payments (Severance gratuity): 300% = N7,452,736.50. Motor Vehicle Allowance: 400% of BS = N9,936,982.00.

Total per month = N29,479, 749.00. [$190,192]

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