Wednesday 26 June 2013

Bieber Goes on Skydiving Date ... But Doesn't Pay?

The hits keep on coming for Justin Bieber … but this time, it doesn't have anything to do with his car.

According to E! News, Bieber has been banned for life from Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving stemming from a dramatic trip on June 16 (a rep for the venue confirmed the report).

Apparently, when Bieber's group was approached about payment, the 19-year-old singer was given the option of paying the $1,600 tab, or was told that he could post an Instagram shot of himself midflight with a positive comment about the experience. Bieber reportedly chose the latter … only he never followed through. "Justin actually faked like he was posting something, per the agreement, but never did," claimed an insider.

hpt_JustinBieber_061013.jpg CaptionIf that wasn't bad enough, sources at the venue also alleged that Bieber and his security team was "a disrespectful bunch" during their visit, and that they dirtied up the bathroom. The source claimed Bieber seemed "very disconnected from reality."

Bieber also turned heads during that outing because he was apparently there on a date! E! Online obtained the photos of Selena Gomez's ex cuddling up to Jordan Ozuna, a blonde Las Vegas waitress. 

Witnesses say that Bieber "was occasionally putting his hands around her waist, [giving her] a couple quick kisses" as they got their helmets, adding: "He was definitely into her, and she was into him, as I could tell."

While Bieber has had his fair share of bad press lately, let's not forget that the teenager always makes effort to reach out to his ailing fans.

Before his San Diego concert this past Saturday, the "Boyfriend" singer invited Marisa Cox backstage, a Belieber who has Down Syndrome and recently underwent a life-saving kidney transplant.

Afterwards, the Biebs tweeted the following:
What do you all make of Bieber's headline making antics lately? Chime in below!

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