Friday 28 June 2013

[Advice Needed] My Girlfriend Is Over Demanding! She Wants a 100k Brazilian Hair I Can’t Afford! Please Help!

Dear Kay
My girlfriend is never satisfied with me. She wants more of everything. If I give her money, she wants more. If I take her shopping, she would exhaust my money without having compassion on me. I just started working and I earn little. Recently, I gave her 40k for a blackberry phone, I don’t even use a blackberry! Last night, I got a message from her demanding 100k for a brazilian hair and shoes she wants to wear to my cousin’s wedding next week. I am tired of her over-demands. Sometimes, she threatens to leave me if I don’t respond to her needs. What should I do?

Dear Uche,
Its a pity your girlfriend is not considerate. Well, I think you should talk to her about it. Let her know you like her just the way she is, without the brazilian hair….lol. Also, tell her to get engaged in business or something that would fetch her income, so that she wouldn’t always be a burden to you financially. However, if she continues to threaten to leave you, then let her leave. You won’t steal because you want to satisfy your girlfriend. I hope this helps.

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