Wednesday 26 June 2013

Kai sorry madam! Na me Ibro. I no know say na you

A wife suspected her husband of sleeping with their maid so she set a trap for him by sending the maid to village for the weekend without telling him.

At night the husband told his usual story "Darling, I'm going to watch wrestling in the living room." After he leaves, she silently creeps to the maid's room, switches off the light and lies naked of the bed.

Five minutes later, the door opens, he dives on top of her and without uttering a word he immediately begins to shag her furiously. After the fifth round she says, "It's enough! I've caught you today! So this is how you dissipate all your energy screwing that useless maid?

You will do two rounds with me and tell me you are tired. After five rounds now, you are still demanding for more." The gatema

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