Tuesday 25 June 2013

#BBA UPDATE# What about the sex? Africa is unimpressed as Betty and Motamma are evicted

Eviction shows shouldn’t really be surprising anymore when it comes to Big Brother but Sunday’s double stunner managed to sneak one (or two) past Africa and keep the rest of the housemates on their toes.

Zambian musician Pompi thrilled the live audience with his hit ‘Giant killer’ and later closed the show with a stellar performance of ‘Packaging’, providing one of the most memorable performances this season.

Host IK Osakioduwa, dapper as always put on his game face and announced the nominees facing eviction. Cue gasp as Botswanian livewire Motamma’s name was called, having secured zero country votes. The vibrant chick with the banging body was not even up for nominations initially but was a victim of Diamond HoH Annabel’s save and replace decision. Annabel naturally saved herself and put Motamma in her place, citing no hard feelings and claiming she only wanted her to taste the bitter pill of being a nominee. The bitter pill became the deadly blow though as Motamma was prommptly evicted.

Nobody was going to hold her down though as she emerged jovial as usual, facing the cameras with equal amounts of glee and sass. She flirted with the audience members and even had a dance off with IK while Pompi was performing.

It was time for eviction number 2 and it was another mild surprise. Betty may have gifted Africa with this season’s first sex romp alongside Bolt but it was not enough to save her as she became the next housemate to be sent packing. She scored only one country vote (Ethiopia) alongside her paramour Bolt and Elikem but was booted out after the tie-breaker that saw her scoring the lowest average votes. She and Bolt shared some last minute cuddling and she was soon responding to IK’s questions. She reiterated that she was herself all through her stay in the house and wouldn’t change for anybody.

For Biguesas and Neyll who were sent home last week, life goes on in earnest. Neyll said he couldn’t wait to spend quality time with his daughter and Biguesas shared that his time on The Chase taught him to expect anything from anybody.

Other hook ups to watch out for are Nando and Selly, Feza and O’neal and of course, Bolt and whoever catches his fancy next.

Who is in and who’s out? Joiun us next week for another thrilling update of BBA The Chase.

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