Tuesday 25 June 2013

Boko Haram Members Dressed As Women Arrested In Borno

Citizens of Gwange region in Maiduguri, The Borno State capital has cautioned their women from leaving the home and going out in the evening as news filter in thath Boko Haram members now cross dress with women clothes to avoid soldier's and commit crimes

Reports states that four terrorists from the sect boko haram were caught on saturday in Gwange ward cross dressing and trying to escape arrest as a result of presure mounted on them in the area by vigilante groups who have been looking for the terrorists in the area

According to the residents, who asked to not be mentioned due to security reasons said that the terrorists conceal their weapons also in there female cloak. “They have been doing that for a long time according to one of them who was arrested last month in Gwange and since that time so many of them have been arrested and handed to security,” he said.

Speaking on whether the soldiers are killing the arrested Boko Haram members, he said, “They (vigilante youths) have been arresting them, but killing them, we do not know because the soldiers always carry them to the JTF headquarters.”

According to him, even those that were arrested with ‘hijab’ last week Saturday, we were told that the youths beat them up and handed them over to the military for further interrogation.

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